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Today's Music/POP

20151021 B-Movie - Remembrance Day



2015년 10월 21일 오늘의 곡은 B-Movie의 Remembrance Day입니다


비 무비 - 리멤브런스 데이



오늘로써 드디어 Today Music Pop이 천곡이 되네요 ㅠ 감동 ㅠ 천곡을 끝으로 당분간 POP은 쉬고 가요에 전념해보겠습니다~

좀 쉬다가는 JPOP으로 시작해볼꼐요 ㅎ 그동안 봐주신 방문자 여러분 감사합니다~






In the forest, in the snow
All those many years ago
Hailstones and epitaphs
All these body bags and half-mast flags
In the cemetery where they fell
All those many years ago
Now it’s just a memory
Eroded by the years.
Forgotten heroes underground
Wrinkled faces gathered round
Hailstones and epitaphs
Roses on a barbwire fence
Winter landscape, never change,
Oh it must have been the same
In the forest, in the snow
All those many years ago
Remembrance Day
All they have is memories
Photographs in silver frames
Upon the mantlepiece
Remembrance Day
Lost forever in a field,
In a foreign land, many miles away.
In the forest, in the snow
All those many years ago.
Bombs and victims blown sky high
Buried where they lie
A generation underground
Wrinkled faces gathered round
Won’t ever bring them back
Never bring them back
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day.

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