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Today's Music/POP

20151017 Ten City - Devotion



2015년 10월 17일 오늘의 곡은 Ten City의 Devotion입니다


텐 시티 - 디보션


Many men will try to take you to bed
They dont care whats in your head
They really know how to play the game
But in the mornin they dont know your name
Theyre only out to get some chicks
First sign of trouble and theyre gone too quick
You need someone who truly cares
A lover, who will always be there
Someone by your side
When things arent going right
Someone to be a friend
Through thick and through thin

When your short on cash I've got your length
When youre weak Ill be your strength
When youre cold Ill be your heat
With other women I swear Ill never cheat
Ill be there when no ones around
Ill pick you up when youre feeling down
Ill give you something you can treasure
A deeper that love that mere words cant measure